Statler Brothers – Have A Little Faith

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God told abraham To go to canaan land And start a brand new life And be a brand new man. He took his wife and nephew And did as he was told But it’s hard startin’ over At 75 years old. But god said abraham look For as far as you see All of that..


Statler Brothers – In The Beginning

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In the beginning The lord made the earth The heavens the hills and the seas Then he created The sun and the stars The land the blue the trees. He made all creatures That lived in the earth And taught them to live by his plan Then as he rested The lord sanctified The seventh..


Statler Brothers – Samson

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Oh samson, it’s been said you were a mighty man I’ve heard it said you killed a lion with your hands And when the people of phillistia raised your ire Ain’t you the man who set their fields on fire. You faced an army of phillistines all alone And didn’t you tear at their flesh..


Statler Brothers – Beat The Devi

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In the wilderness jesus stayed Forty nights and forty days The devil came in all his sin Came to tempt even him. Said i hear tell you’re god’s son But you get hungry like anyone So if you’re what they’ve all said Then turn these rocks jesus to bread. By the word of god man..


Statler Brothers – Led Out Of Bondage

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Chorus: God promised to lead his children out of bondage He said he’d free them from pharaoh’s evil hand He said he’d guide and protect them on their journey And lead them to the promised land. God’s children were slaves in egypt land So god took moses by the hand He said, ”moses, tell old..


Statler Brothers – The King Is Coming

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I can hear the chariots rumble I can see the marching throng The flurry of god’s trumpets Spells the end of sin and wrong Regal robes are now unfolding Heaven’s grandstand’s all in place Heaven’s choir is now assembled Start to sing amazing grace. O the king is coming The king is coming I just..