Bradley Gaskin – I Hate That Beach

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Bradley Gaskin - "I Hate That Beach"

Bradley Gaskin : I Hate That Beach Lyrics

Ten years ago we were dressed our best
Standing on a shore down at key west
At the end of a long black top called highway one
Family and friends, flowers, wedding vows
A beautiful day and the music loud
Every picture on the page just reminds me

That i hate palm trees
And i hate the sand and the sea
And i don’t like that summer sun shine down on me
I hate the wind and the waves
I hate the way that salt water taste
I don’t like to feel the flip-flops on my feet
Oh i guess what i’m trying to say
Is i hate that beach

Staring out the window here in tennessee
She’s out on the sand in florida keys
With her new man probably drinking daiquiris
She said goodbye to the hills and pines
And said hello to the sweet sunshine
And that’s another reason why i think

That i hate palm trees
And i hate the sand and the sea
And i don’t like that summer sun shine down on me
I hate the wind and the waves
I hate the way the salt water taste
I don’t like to feel the flip-flops on my feet
Oh i guess what i’m trying to say
Is i hate that beach

Song lyrics for I Hate That Beach by Bradley Gaskin. You can sing while listening to the song I Hate That Beach performed by Bradley Gaskin.

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