When i was only seventeen, couldn’t wait for twenty one I’d hang around on clayton street in the bars there gettin’ drunk A baseball cap and a fake id would get me in the clubs Then i would dance with the college girls and lie about who i was I’d say “i’m pre-med. here at..
Corey Smith Music Videos
Corey Smith Songs
These are the top songs by Corey Smith. Click the name of the song to watch videos for that song on YouTube.
A Better Place As Angels Cry Beautiful Things Carolina Drinkin Again Drinking Again Every Dawg F The Po Po First Dance From A Distance Fuck The Po Po I Cant Help Myself If I Could Do It Again If Thats Country Im Not Gonna Cry In Love With A Memory Its Over Maybe Next Year Moving Pictures Something To Lose The Bottle The Good Life Twenty One What Happened When The Sun Goes Down In Ga