Adam Brand Music Videos

Adam Brand Bio

Adam Brand (born Perth) is an Australian country musician. Brand first began playing drums at age ten, and followed his father, a traveling salesman, in his teens. Brand moved to Sydney in 1997 and released his first album, a self-titled effort, on Flying Nun Records the next year. The record was awarded three CMAA awards after being nominated in five categories. In 2003 he began recording for Compass Brothers; 2003's Built for Speed was certified gold in Australia

Adam Brand Songs

These are the top songs by Adam Brand. Click the name of the song to watch videos for that song on YouTube.

Adam Brand – Ready For Love

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Oh Yeah Are You Ready For Love Thought That I Would Never Love Another Til The Day My Eyes, Saw You, And I I Feel Like A Giddy Little Kid In A Candy Store, And I, Want More I’m Thinking That You Feel It But I Need To Be Sure (chorus) Are You Ready For..


Adam Brand – That Changes Everything

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Said i know a cray boat captain outa geraldton And i been thinkin’ i’d go down and work a spell Oh you never can tell It might suit me fine To spend some time out on the bay But then there’s always cowboy work up near monto I was thinking that it just might be..