Sonny James – Running Bear

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Running Bear / Sonny James

Sonny James: Running Bear Lyrics

I’m running running from heartbreak

I haven’t been running long still it seems like year

One night very soon i know heartbreak will catch me sleeping and so

When i wake up my pillow will be wet with tears

I’m running running from memories

Memories so sweet i must leave them all behind

One day very soon i’m sure i remember more than i can endure

Just thinking of you will drive me right out of my mind

Running running to parties running from girl to girl

Running long as you’re running love’s a merry word

(running) uh huh (running and laughing) uh huh

As long as i’m in a crowd i can play the clown

But later when the crowd’s all gone when i find myself all alone

I’ll run out of places to run and it gets me down

Just running i’m running (running)

Song lyrics for Running Bear by Sonny James. You can sing while listening to the song Running Bear performed by Sonny James.