David Lee Murphy – Genuine Rednecks

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David Lee Murphy - Genuine Rednecks

David Lee Murphy : Genuine Rednecks Lyrics

I know my place and
I’m not ashamed to say it
No darlin it even makes me proud
Theres one place i know where i’m never alone
Thats where i feel most at home

Its in a room full of real life genuine rednecks
Bonified backwood misfits
Good time and hillbilly lunatics
With cold beer and jukebox music
I don’t like crowds but this one’s mine
Cause everyone here is genuine redneck

Well darlin right or wrong
Where i do belong
It don’t come with a cristal chadeleir
I’d have to go out on the limb
To say i fit in
With all the social high class atmosphere
We could slip out the back door
And find my pick-up
Darlin i’m just wishin i was in the middle of

A room full of real life genuine rednecks
Bonified backwood misfits
Good time and hillbilly lunatics
With cold beer and jukebox music
I don’t like crowds but this one’s mine
Cause every body here is genuine redneck

They maybe gross or look down their nose
At the company i keep
Ohh but just to let you know
Its good people though
If you don’t like them you won’t like me
You might find the front door proped open wide
You’ll know you’ve been somewhere you’ve been inside

A room full of real life genuine rednecks
Bonified backwood misfits
Good time and hillbilly lunatics
With cold beer and jukebox music
I don’t like crowds but this one’s mine
Cause everyone here is genuine redneck

Good time…
Real life…
Full blooded rednecks

Song lyrics for Genuine Rednecks by David Lee Murphy. You can sing while listening to the song Genuine Rednecks performed by David Lee Murphy.

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