Carter’s Chord – A Little Less Comfortable

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Carter's Chord - A Little Less Comfortable

Carter's Chord : A Little Less Comfortable Lyrics

Don’t wanna go through the motions
Just because it’s easy
Won’t you give me that old look
Like you used to when you’d see me
Let’s get back to livin’ life
A little less comfortable

When we didn’t have a nickle
Not a nickle to our name
Yeah, we were rollin’ pennies
We were happy or insane
Our love would burn, burn, burn
A little less comfortable

Back when you would wake me up in the middle of the night
Kiss me like your lover instead of just your wife
Unpredictable, oh, and wonderful
A little less comfortable, a little less comfortable

Didn’t think about tomorrow
’cause we didn’t have a plan
But, boy, you took my breath
Every time you took my hand
We were young and scared and happy
A little less comfortable

Back when you would wake me up in the middle of the night
Kiss me like your lover instead of just your wife
Unpredictable, oh, and wonderful
A little less comfortable, a little less comfortable

Don’t wanna go through the motions
Just because it’s easy
A little less comfortable
A little less comfortable
A little less comfortable

A little less comfortable
A little less comfortable

Song lyrics for A Little Less Comfortable by Carter's Chord. You can sing while listening to the song A Little Less Comfortable performed by Carter's Chord.

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