Keith Anderson Music Videos

Keith Anderson Bio

4 Artists named Keith Anderson exist.1. KEITH ANDERSON was born in the rural town of Miami Oklahoma. He excelled in academics and sports while courting a great love for music and performing. He began his college years at Oklahoma State University, where he received the Top Ten Freshman Award and went on to graduate at the top of his class in Construction Engineering with a 3.9 GPA. He also placed second in the Mr. Oklahoma bodybuilding competition and was selected for the Oklahoma All-State football team.

Keith Anderson Songs

These are the top songs by Keith Anderson. Click the name of the song to watch videos for that song on YouTube.

Keith Anderson – Pickin Wildflowers

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Hey Baby Whatcha Doin This Evening? Can You Meet Me Down At The Railroad Tracks? I Got Tom Petty Playin In My Silverado, And I Iced Down A Six Pack. Hey Daisy Don T You Worry Bout Your Mama, Like 007 We Can Keep It Covert. Undercover On The Ground By The Water Gonna Get..