Jimmie Davis Music Videos

Jimmie Davis Bio

James Houston "Jimmie" Davis (September 11, 1899 – November 5, 2000) was a singer of both sacred and popular songs who served for two nonconsecutive terms from 1944 to 1948 and from 1960 to 1964 as the governor of his native Louisiana, USA. Davis was a nationally popular country music and gospel singer from the 1930s into the 1960s, occasionally recording and performing as late as the early 1990s. He is a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame.

Jimmie Davis Songs

These are the top songs by Jimmie Davis. Click the name of the song to watch videos for that song on YouTube.

Jimmie Davis – You Are My Sunshine

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The other night dear, as i lay sleeping I dreamed i held you in my arms When i awoke, dear, i was mistaken So i hung my head and i cried You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You’ll never know dear, how much i miss you..