Cody Johnson Music Videos

Cody Johnson Bio

In a time of synthetics and plastics, folks appreciate the real thing. Musically, we look for songs that reach beyond our eardrums, touching our hearts. Cody Johnson's unique blend of country and rock does just that.Many Texan music fans met Cody Johnson’s honest style through the radio singles from his "Six Strings, One Dream" album: "Nobody to Blame" (#6 on the Texas music charts in 2009); #1"Pray for Rain" (2009 - 2010); and "Texas Kind of Way" (#6, late 2010 – 2011).

Cody Johnson Songs

These are the top songs by Cody Johnson. Click the name of the song to watch videos for that song on YouTube.

Cody Johnson, Carrie Underwood – I’m Gonna Love You

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Stars are gonna light up the midnight sky The sun’s gonna burn on the fourth of july Tides are gonna turn with the pull of the moon And i’m gonna love you Birds are flyin’ south when the winter comes Snow’s gonna fall, and rivers gonna run April’s gonna rain, and flowers gonna bloom And..