Blitzen Trapper – Wild Mountain Nation

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Blitzen Trapper: Wild Mountain Nation (OFFICIAL)

Blitzen Trapper : Wild Mountain Nation Lyrics

Come out from the world
And into my arms
Like wind on the water with me
Come out from the city
Come out from the town
Build stone by stone a wild mountain home

When the red moon wains
We’ll be moving on the plains
Through the tall grass out to the sea
And we’ll cross that water
My wild mountain lover
Like wolves running silent and free

So if your love won’t grow
And the rivers won’t flow
Just join that holy desert tribe
Is where we saddle up to ride
You know that wild mountain nation
On the rise of going home

Come out from the world
And into my arms
Like wind on the water with me
With wings like the angels
And hearts like the sun
Building stone by stone
A wild mountain home

(repeat chorus 2x)

Song lyrics for Wild Mountain Nation by Blitzen Trapper. You can sing while listening to the song Wild Mountain Nation performed by Blitzen Trapper.

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